We envision an
aggregation of applications that use post-WIMP, pen-centric interfaces to make
computational assistance more natural and efficient; among such applications
are MathPad2 and MathPaper,
the Music Notepad, and ChemPad, shown in the image. We originally called that theoretical
aggregation *Pad, using ‘*’ as a wildcard, but are now calling it
starPad for easier location through search engines.
The goal of the starPad SDK project is to make it easier for people to write these sorts of applications by providing a convenient interface for a broad layer of pen-centric functionality in addition to some research functionality. Currently, it is written for MS Windows .Net and uses WPF. It includes a convenient interface to stroke-level operations, a recognition library for handwritten math and gestures, some UI techniques such as GestureBar, and a pen- and gesture-based application shell supporting selection, undo, zooming, text input, images, and save/load.
Except where noted, all source code in this distribution is Copyright © 2009 Timothy Miller, Robert Zeleznik, Andrew Bragdon, and Chuanjun Li with contributions by Alex Weiss, Travis Fischer, Joseph J. LaViola Jr., Andrew Forsberg, Andrew Brindamour, Gal Peleg, Ali Ozler, Michael Feldman, and Greg Pascale. The Unicode data files are copyrighted and licensed as noted in the files. The DollarRecognizer code is based on that provided by Wobbrock, Wilson, and Li. The math fonts used are the (beta test) STIX fonts, copyrighted and licensed as noted in the fonts themselves (though you may need a font editing program or the Microsoft OpenType Font Properties Extension installed to see the license proper). Our interface to Mathematica uses version 1.2 of Mathematica's netlink library, slightly modified to give access to multiple-precision values. Their license only allows non-commercial distribution of the netlink library, but it would be simple to convert our code to use the stock library without multiple-precision value support.
For the code owned by us, the license in the two paragraphs following this one applies. We are essentially making the code free for non-commercial use. The authors disagree as to whether to make the code free for commercial use as well and have agreed to postpone the decision until and unless someone actually wants to use it for such a purpose. So, if you want to use our code in a commercial product, please get in touch with us: {tsm,bcz,acb}@cs.brown.edu.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose other than its incorporation into a commercial product is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of Brown University or the authors or the contributors not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
You will need:
You may still need (these were previously required but may be included in the Windows SDK):
The main demonstration program is called AnApp, and is located in Apps\AnApp\AnApp.sln. The startup project should be set to AnApp. (Frequently this is set wrong by VS when people first open the solution in a clean source tree, for unknown reasons.)
In the Libs\Math directory tree there are a couple of test scaffold applications for various pieces of the math system which also generally serve as usage examples, particularly MathRecoScaffold.
General code notes:
which is generally omitted here.The tree is divided into two main pieces: Apps and Libs. Apps holds applications intended for end users which also
provide usage examples demonstrating the functionality of the SDK. Libs holds the generally useful library of modules the
SDK provides, along with some utilities.
Currently, the only general example application is AnApp. AnApp is intended to be a fairly solidly designed program expecting to have to handle a range of application functionality, including undo/redo, the GestureBar for providing accessibility to gestures (visible as the toolbar-like strip across the top of the main window), and complicated event handling. It also supports entry and computation with handwritten mathematics.
AppLib in the Libs directory implements much of the reusable application-level functionality of Apps\AnApp. This includes a variety of gestural commands (Commands.cs), a system to tie them together (CommandSet.cs), undo/redo (Undo.cs), a selection mechanism (Floatie, Selection*.cs), a generic inking canvas that can display strokes interleaved with FrameworkElements (general WPF UI elements) (InqScene.cs), and a mode for interacting with math (MathEditor.cs).
DollarRecognizer contains an implementation of a simple but effective and trainable “$1” gesture recognizer published in UIST 2007 by Wobbrock, et al. in “Gestures without libraries, toolkits or training: a $1 recognizer for user interface prototypes”.
Geom contains various
typed point, vector, etc. structs and related other things like lines, angle
units, etc., as well as some simple geometric utilities such as convex hull.
The point, vector, etc. structs provide a more complete set of operations and
operator overloads than Microsoft’s analogous structs, and are also designed so
that all operations have a pure functional form available. They can be viewed as
a complete replacement for Microsoft's WPF point types because of bidirectional
implicit conversions. By providing typed
angle structs such as Rad
and Deg
we allow automatic conversion between them, simplifying some code. They also
allow, for instance, functions to construct rotation matrices to take radians
as an argument while allowing programmers to write either Rotate(Math.Pi/2)
or Rotate(90.Deg())
or Rotate((Deg)90)
to get the same result. We provide extension methods on built-in numeric types
to support things such as 90.Deg()
if you are using starPadSDK.Geom
. (Intellisense does not provide a menu
of completions after you type something like “90.
”, but
invoking the List Members command will bring it up.) We also provide line and
line segment structs with various operations on them.
GestureBar implements the work described in “GestureBar: Improving the Approachability of Gesture-based Interfaces”, by Andrew Bragdon, et al., published at CHI 2009. It provides an approachable UI for learning gestural interactions that enables a walk-up-and-use experience which is in the same class as standard menu and toolbar interfaces. Leveraging the familiar, clean look and feel of a common toolbar, GestureBar on demand reveals targeted, rich gesture disclosure information consisting of animated images, detail tips and an out-of-document practice area. GestureBar's simple design is also general enough for use with any recognition technique and for integration with standard, non-gestural UI components. The GestureBar has its own introductory document in Libs\GestureBar\How to Add a Gesture to GestureBar.
Inq is our equivalent of the WPF classes related to Stroke
but using our geometry classes (points, etc) and providing some extra convenience accessors
such as Perl-style indexing (use stroq[-1]
to get the
last point in the stroq, for instance). The most basic class to know is Stroq
our equivalent of the WPF Stroke
There's also InqCanvas
the equivalent of InkCanvas
, which you can use to
collect and display Stroq
s without having to deal with Stroke
is similarly
analogous to StrokeCollection
. StroqElement
allows the display of just one Stroq
as a WPF element. If
you have “using starPadSDK.Inq.MSInkCompat;
” in your
s section, you can get the functions that are in the
pre-WPF strokes but not in WPF (cusps, self-intersections, etc.). Gesturizer.cs provides the basic infrastructure
underneath AppLib’s handling of gestures. Features.cs
has a number of tests for various features that might be part of gesture definitions.
has a cusp-finding algorithm available as
and used by our math recognition code.
Math contains a set of related modules for recognizing, representing, computing on, rendering, and exporting mathematics. These are described at the end of this section.
Utils\Unicode contains a class that allows you to reference any Unicode character by name and get the name of any Unicode character provided by value. This is used primarily by the Math code, but is usable by other applications as well.
Utils\UniDescribe is a Visual Studio plugin (not compiled or tested in a while) which adds a context menu item to the text editor to show you the Unicode name of the character in the current selection. It’s also primarily for working with the Math code.
Utils\Utils provides a bunch of utilities that have nothing intrinsically to do with starPad, except that we wanted to use them, and they seem like things that ought to belong in a library (or should have been in the C# library), often modeled after the C++ standard library and/or Common Lisp. It also provides a facility for batching together multiple operations on the same object before, for instance, triggering a callback; this is used internally by a couple of libraries.
WPFHelp currently contains
WPFutil.cs, which was intended to have utilities
for WPF such as finding bounding boxes of FrameworkElement
and currently also has a number of other files for dealing with Win32 interoperability
for use in the screen capture functionality of AnApp.
For description beyond that here of the mechanisms used and the UI techniques (mostly) available, see these papers:
The math code can be divided roughly into two parts: recognition, and everything else:
The recognition code is composed of two packages: CharRecognizer, which does character recognition,
and MathRecognizer, which parses the spatial
structure of the recognized characters into math semantics. The primary user
entry point for the math recognition system is the class MathRecognizer.MathRecognition
this takes care of doing character recognition too. The mathematical semantics
output of the recognition code is represented in a class structure we called Expr
before we came across three or so other mathematical
representation class structures also called Expr
; see
below. See the MathRecoScaffold test program for simple examples of use of the
recognizer, computation, and rendering subsystems; AnApp also makes use of the
math code.
Implementation notes: This is a partial port of code
from our MathPaper system, which used Windows Forms; MathRecognition
is partly a glue class which converts from Stroq
s and
WPF Stroke
s to Windows Forms Stroke
The glue is not a perfect shield, so some UI techniques require knowing about
Windows Forms Stroke
s and translation to and from them
(handled by the StroqInkMapper Sim
member of a MathRecognition
object). Not all of the UI techniques from
MathPaper have been ported to the starPad SDK yet, but the translation is
generally fairly simple given the old code.
The Expr project contains
the Expr
class system for representing mathematical
semantics (Expr.cs), and a system for exporting LaTeX
(TeX.cs). The semantics of Expr
s is only
defined for relatively standard functions (+, −, sin, etc.) and then only by
comments in the WKSID
Effectively, other functions are defined by their translations in the various
export and computation systems. Additionally, Syntax.cs contains
(see Syntax.Fixes
definitions of operators used in parsing stroke input and in formatting results
for WPF, LaTeX, and MathML.
The ExprBackends project
contains code for interfacing with computational backends to computer on Expr
s. Currently we have our own quick BuiltInEngine
(incomplete and somewhat buggy) as well as interfaces to Mathematica (most
tested) and Maple (new, not tested much). There is also an interface to a StringEngine
(see ExprStringEngine
To call a math backend engine, first you need to find it in
the list of enabled engines in Engine.Engines
. (Note
that Mathematica, and potentially other engines, can have multiple versions
available within the same engine.) See the ExprScaffold test program for some
example code on making a menu of all the engines and selecting the right one
when a menu item is selected. (This code is now in MathRecoScaffold as well.) Window1.Window1()
builds the menu, and Window1.ChangeEngine()
sets the current engine--the actual setting is done in the line that sets Engine.Current
and possibly the Variant
field on the engine, if it has multiple versions.
To evaluate an expression (without substituting variables
defined outside of the expression), you call Engine.Simplify()
or Engine.Approximate()
. Simplify
preserves the exact value, so sqrt(2) will come out as sqrt(2), while
approximate is like Mathematica’s N[]
function that
approximates the answer by numerically evaluating everything with
floating-point numbers. (These correspond respectively to the arrow and
double-arrow in MathPaper and MathRecoScaffold.) Those functions are called in
ExprScaffold’s Window1.__exprEntry_KeyDown()
, but the
calls are basically trivial.
Right now, you have to call Engine.Substitute()
for each variable substitution you want to happen, including substitutions of
variables into other variable definitions. For an example of this, look in the MathRecoScaffold
solution in Evaluator.cs at MathRecoScaffold.Evaluator.SubstMathVars(IEnumerable<Parser,ParseResult>,
(the function is overloaded, so be sure the argument types are
right in the one you look at). You can ignore the call to SubstSubscript
unless you want to substitute variables in subscripts, which is not normally
done unless you're using them for array indices. Actually, looking at this SubstMathVars
I'm not sure it's written the way it ought to
be (it was ported from older code), but it should work, and at least
demonstrates Substitute()
The ExprMathML project contains code for exporting to and importing from Presentation MathML. It’s written in F# for easier pattern recognition in parsing MathML. Unfortunately, it seems that MathML is too loose a standard for certain expressions to have an easily findable single representation which is parsed by all the input engines we’ve tested, so there are options available depending on what the expected receiver of the generated MathML is. NB: if any project you reference from an application uses this project, you should add the Expr project to the application’s references in order to get the MathML dtd directory from the Expr project copied to the directory the program is built in. That directory is in the Expr project because F# projects appear not to allow adding directories and files and setting them to be copied automatically. NB2: if you use this project and have a program installer, be sure that it copies the MathML dtd directory from the Expr project to the directory the program is installed in.
The ExprStringEngine project is part of an interface to a backend engine we’re not (yet?) distributing. It’s pretty generic, though, designed for any math engine that takes MathML and returns MathML.
The ExprText project contains
a system for importing into Expr from a simple text format and exporting two
simple text formats (one is very simple, while the other is closer to how
a human might enter the math). Note that this is primarily for debugging;
round-trip integrity is not guaranteed, for instance. For entry points, see the
static public methods available on starPadSDK.MathExpr.Text
(Text.fsi and Text.fs).
This project is also written in F# so that it can use F#’s parser- and
lexer-generators, via hand-made edits to the project file.
The ExprWPF project draws
a typeset form of the input Expr
into a WPF
, based on the algorithms described in
The TeXbook. See MathRecoScaffold for examples of use;
are the
primary entry points, but EWPF.Compose()
is used for
special purposes (see the implementations of the Draw*()
methods). It relies on the fonts in the STIXfonts
folder of the project. NB: if any project you reference from an
application uses this project, you should add the ExprWPF project to the application’s
references in order to get the STIXfonts directory
copied to the directory the program is built in. NB2: the STIXfonts folder must be copied to the application
installation directory in any installer for a program that uses ExprWPF. If not otherwise noted, cryptic comments in the source mentioning appendices or page numbers refer to those in The TeXbook.